About Blazedly

Blazedly is being developed as an online animation tool that's easy to use, and made for the web. Great, so what does that mean?

Easy to use

There's a lot of great animation software out there, and it does some amazing things. But the cost of that is complexity. Blazedly is deliberately avoiding many of the features that make those tools complex, and focusing on the core things needed to make simple animations for the web.

This means it's never going to be a replacement for those tools, and it's unlikely anyone will ever make an animated feature film here, but it does mean that it's a great place to start learning about animation, and to make simple animations.

For the web

Blazedly is being made for the web, we have a stage to animate on, and the animation can be exported to a movie perfect to share on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media platform.It can also make animations to share directly via messaging, on your own website, or anywhere else.

Make your animation in Blazedly, then publish straight to the web, it's that simple.

So, who am I?

Hi, I'm Adrian, Blazedly is my baby.

I've been making games and animations for over 40 years now, and doing it professionally for over 25 years. I've studied Computer Engineering at Canberra University and Philosophy at Macquarie University, and I still haven't grown up.

I was a professional animator for several years, only stopping when I realised exactly how long doing feature movie quality animation takes to make...

I've also worked as a software developer making games for over 20 years. Half of that was withthese guysmaking educational games for millions of kids. I've also spent quite a few years working in various software development / animation / game development roles for various Australian startups.

Playing around and making things has been one of my places of joy for as long as I can remember. But my kids...

For a long time I've held the belief that we all should try to create more than we consume. I've been trying to instill that in my kids, but social media has made that harder. Blazedly is my response to that issue. Honestly, I'm making it for my boys (12 and 14), with the goal of them being able to make their own animations, and get a dialog going with with their friends centred around creating things.